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Presentation to Iceland Architects Association (Arkitektafélag íslands)

In this presentation, you will learn from the leading architect and builder of cohousing globally. Durrett will impart his decades of experience so that you understand what cohousing is, how it got started, how it’s designed, what its benefits are to the residents, and how it incorporates participatory design to promote more socially equitable and environmentally sustainable communities. He will also discuss how Danish cohousing has influenced cohousing in the U.S., where it has gone further in the U.S., especially addressing issues like diversity and affordability, where it has gone further in Denmark, and what we have yet to learn from each other.


Chuck is in Iceland to visit the model community, Sólheimar Eco-Village, and to learn how to work with neurodiverse folks to make it easier for them to be involved with cohousing. Architects have the unique opportunity to help solve local and global issues by using community as the secret ingredient to sustainability. He believes there are great opportunities and potential to design cohousing in Iceland.

More information here.