November 3rd, Robinson Teaching Theater, Whitworth University Recap
Reducing homelessness in your town only requires three things—a vision that is doable, the will to pursue it, and a clear set of steps.
The first step consistently seems to be either a public presentation of consequence, where the public convinces themselves and everyone else that enough is enough. Spokane had 206 homeless deaths last year and 162 the year before. The public is ready to take initiatives and they want to be a part of the solution.
And here's the groundswell to prove it—all of these good people here on a cool November 3rd night.
The other possibility like American Canyon is that an enlightened public official has initiated it and taken it through the political process. That process is laid out in A Solution to Homelessness in Your Town.
There were 200 attendees on Thursday night for our public presentation, and 40 on Saturday morning ready to discuss the next steps and become part of the New Hope Task Force and part of the solution.
Watch the presentation by clicking ► above or click this link HERE
For more information, contact: New Hope Housing & Homelessness Task Force, email